
Harbor Square Gallery owner and director, Thomas O'Donovan, is also an avid antiques collector. He has traveled around the world to places like Greece, Oaxaca, Mexico, Tuscon, Arizona, St. Croix in the Caribbean, among many others. On these trips he has always brought back to the gallery a piece (or pieces) of a culture that speak to him. Along the way, he has formed bonds and connections of the people who he meets in his travels. These bonds have stayed intact through the universal power of art and appreciation for beauty - this can be seen in throughout the gallery.

In the center of Harbor Square Gallery's main floor stands an 8 foot tall Dogon Ladder. This ladder originates from countries along the West African coast, many dating back to the 19th century. The Dogon are among the oldest surviving African cultures despite the fact that throughout their existence more powerful neighbors have threatened them. For protection, until about three hundred years ago the Dogon built their villages near or in sandstone cliffs. They have thus been nicknamed the Hill, Cliff, and Mountain people. In order for the members to access their cliff-side homes, they would utilize ladders, such as the one displayed. They would lean the ladder up against the hill, and climb up and enter the home. The ladders are hand carved from hard wood, and like all Dogon art, highly prized. These objects are of great sculptural beauty and have become very rare, as most of them have already been collected by art dealers.

Below are some pieces of our ancient pottery and ceramics collection from various periods of time.

PotterBridget Leavitt